Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Christians and Politics

I am not a fan of Greg Boyd by any stretch of the imagination however I did like some of his comments made in an article that had appeared in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Please take the time and let me know what you think. How involved in politics and social reform should Christians be? (On a side note- I would have walked out when Boyd said God doesn't know the future rather than waiting unitl I disagreed with him on this point!!!)


Reegz said...

Hey, blog thief! I thought it was a good article. I wish he would stop walking around masking himself as an angel of light. Sorry. I get annoyed at so much of his trashing God's sovereignty-it's hard to get to excited about this.

Dana said...

Yeah, how he can he be right on about some things and so dead wrong about others?! Hopefully God is working in him...

Joey said...

I've had an email discussion about this article going with some other friends. This blog post from two months ago has some similar sentiments to Boyd's.

However, he crosses a major line. He all but makes it as if it's impossible for a Christian to be involved in politics. That's not true at all. The Bible definitely refutes that. How could people like Daniel have been in their positions? It doesn't make sense.

I also think he goes too far in that Christians should be involved in various issues. Bethlehem Baptist, Faith Community, and countless other churches are vocal in their pro-life stances and they should be. They don't take a political stance in that they don't actually bring in candidates who are pro-life and they don't tell their congregants how to vote on various referendums, but they pray for the unborn and condemn their murder. I think that's perfectly appropriate for a church, just as speaking to the sin of homosexuality is appropriate. Just as long as those sins are condemned alongside the sins of divorce, adultery, etc., rather than being exalted on some pedestal of wickedness above everything else.

Greg Boyd seems to say that Christians should be apolitical, and I think that is wrong.

Anyway, those are a few of my thoughts. I think if I go any longer I'd have to make this a separate blog post!

Dana said...

Joey- Thanks for your comments. I find this a very interesting topic to discuss & plan on discussing it in the future with my women's study group. I think good points can be made on both sides and I am not exactly sure where I stand... yet. Though I think the church should stand firmly aginst things that Scripture is clearly against (like abortion and homosexuality etc) I am just no sure how we go about this and how involved we get. I think it is sad how evangelicals today are known for their political stance but not for redeemed lives or for their love for and witness of Christ.

Anonymous said...

He also said," We over reacted with the story of Janet Jackson, When she flashed the country in a super bowl moment.
How sad and far can a person go and still think he can be in God's narrow path,
God will blow the chaff in the wind soon enough...

Anonymous said...

I find a couple of these quotes interesting.....if you know what I mean

"thinks homosexuality is not God’s ideal." It is an abomination to the Lord and wicked in His sight.

"a leader in the evangelical movement known as the “emerging church,”" Boyd didn't say he was part of this church but only weakness and bad theology is coming out of the seeker sensitive church, not a reliable source.

"Mr. Boyd’s draw as an electrifying preacher who stuck closely to Scripture." According to which Bible because he doesn't believe in the total Sovereign God of the Bible so which scripture is he refering to?...

“Those are the two buttons to push if you want to get Christians to act,” Attacking the Sovereignty of God is a number one button before politics I'm sure

"All good, decent people " not according to Romans, all unregenerate people are enemies of God and hostile to God and their so called "good" moral acts are as filthy rags to Him. I'm surprised a pastor would even say that...well then again am I really.

I don't think the political issue is even in sight here and I am trying really hard to get past the fact of all sorts of other crazy stuff.

Dana said...

People- I posted the article becuase it is about Christianity and politics. I already know how y'all feel about Boyd and I share those sentiments. I was hoping to hear your views on Christianity and politics. Please comment on that! What is the Christian's role where politics and social reform is concerned?

Reegz said...

I think we should vote and keep up on current affairs to some degree. I don't think we need to be overinvolved-like Dobson and then slap christian on it.

Reegz said...

Did you just see what I saw? I just quoted Greg Boyd. There's something I thought I'd never do. Someone, lay hands on me!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I guess I have mixed feelings on this too, Dana. First, I think that God gives gifts to those in particular areas such as politics. My question to you would be, if a true Christian is involved with politics and social reform are they not to stand for what they believe? Bottom line is a Christian is not to compromise what they believe because they are involved in politics. So this may answer the question, how far does a Christian get involved. Well, as far as the Lord would let him/her. Taking a stand for Christ. The article was a good read, however, I disagree with a lot of what Boyd was saying..I am sure you understand and I don't need to elaborate on it (we'll talk more in our women's group :)

In Christ, Christina

Anonymous said...

I just gotta putin a plug from John MacArthurm book......

"The Lord did not come as a political deliverer or social reformer. He did not rally supporters in a grandiose attempt to "capture the culture" for morality or greater political and religious freedom. Rather, his divine calling was to rescue the lost souls of individual men and women from sin and hell. Regardless of the numerous immoral, unjust, and ungodly failures of secular governmant, believers are to pray and seek to influence the world for Christ by godly, selfless, and peaceful living under that authority, not by protests against the governmant or by acts of civil disobedience.
By looking to human means to reform society and establish Christian values, we've denigrated God's sovereignty over human history and events. Imagine what the world must think of our God. Do we think Him so weak and incapable of caring for us that we prefer using protests and political pressure rather than the spiritual resources He offers? And do we believe He has lost control and we have to get it back for Him?
We need to let go of the notion that culture and government...our country's moral disintegration on political parties, liberal conspiracies, or bias media are the root of the problem....they are the(our) mission field...not the enemy!"


Anonymous said...

Dana I know you were asking about christians and politics and I was going to get to that but I couldn't get past the things Boyd said and I had to share so anyways now it's already past the point and I agree with J. Mac. I agree that we should vote and pray for our leaders and such as the Lord has put all things in His control. I know you would agree that there is a medium to which the christian is involved. The Old Test. has great guidelines for government and laws so I'm gonna safely go with the Word.

Anonymous said...

After reading the article, I found He has truth to him...
He may have been light on the "IDEAL" thing, but He's got good point...