Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Reason for God Sermons

There is a new book out by Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York, called "The Reason for God." This is a book I most definitely want to get my hands on for a read or as I suspect a number of reads. It is not as easy to get books over here as it is in the states. I mean I can order any book and have it shipped here but it is expensive and unfortunately I am not made of book money. This being the case I am forced to wait for the price to come down or my birthday- which ever happens first!

In the meantime while I wait to get this book I have been able to listen to 7 sermons by Keller that are similar in content to the book. They can be downloaded for free at

I have listened to a little bit of Keller in the past and thought he was ok. After listening to these sermons and a few others I have quickly come to admire his preaching. The topics of many of his sermons may sound like nothing special but he really brings fascinating things out of the text. He has a brilliant mind and teaches with clarity. I have learned much from him already and wish more preachers preached like him. I would love for the unbelievers and believers at churches to be exposed to this kind of preaching regularly.

I highly advise you to follow the link above to listen to Keller. You will be very glad you did!


Kim said...

This sounds like a good book.

Ryan J said...

Keller is anti-theonomic (ie, antinomian) - so don't expect anything too great! :p

Dana said...

Ryan- my extreme sectarian friend- I thought you'd at least appreciate that he is a presuppositionalist!

Ryan J said...

consistent presuppositionalists are theonomists though - so I am thrilled he gets part of it right.

Anonymous said...

Am I going to need to bring Ben Richards in the middle of you two for reconciliation??? :)