Saturday, September 06, 2008

One Year in Dublin

One year ago today we stepped off the plane into an overcast Dublin. Looking back on it I can hardly believe I moved over here, just like that. I mean I hadn't even been here before! It was a big move and I can clearly remember God's grace to me every step of the way. He is so faithful.

So, what can I say afer a year of life outside the United Sates, of life in Europe, of life in Dublin? Again God's faithfulness comes to mind. We have been many places and seen many wonderful things. Some of these travels have even been shared with loved ones. God has given us health and kept us safe and has kept our loved ones at home safe and healthy. I am very thankful for all of this. I am also very thankful for God's provision for Matt and I in our relationship as we experience all of this together. It has been a joy to share this adventure with my loving husband!

Dublin is not home but it is an ok place to live for a while and I do not regret moving here though I miss Tucson. I thank God neither one of us is miserable and that we are of the same mind in regards to being here. The weather is starting to ware on us but we have many adventures left to share over on this side of the world so we will stick it out for a while longer.

God has been gracious to bring people into our lives to brighten it up when it gets gloomy. I think of my Welsh friend Catrin who is so much fun to be with and other international friends that I have met while here (Anna from Australia, Sandra from France, Anna from Italy, Marianne from Germany, Camila from Brazil, Jane from the Phillipines, Jael from Israel, and Tania from Australia to name a few). There have also been a number of Irish who have been a blessing to us (Matt's boss Annette, Adam and Deb, Kathleen and Mickey, Dorothy, David and Honour, and Pastor John) I am thankful for God bringing us to Immanuel Church Dublin where we are making friends and hearing the word faithfully proclaimed in this city.

So one year later I am glad we moved here and even glad we are not done yet with being here. This has been an adventure and an eye opening experience. I love seeing God's world, the different cultures and peoples. I love traveling, seeing historic sites, eating authentic foods, talking to natives, and looking at everything through a biblical worldview. This past year has been a year of blessing and I am glad to be sharing it with Matt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What awesome blessings our gloriouse God has bestowed upon you Him be the Glory for the great things He has done in your lives ! MOM