Friday, January 09, 2009

Minnesota Trip

My husband is the best as he let me go home in early December for almost three weeks to see my family and celebrate Christmas with them. I have not celebrated Christmas with them for 10 years as I always had to work or was at least on call for work. Matt went back with me for the first week I was there. We went up to my Mom's house in northwestern Wisconsin the first weekend there to celebrate Christmas. Many of us were praying for snow but it was looking doubtful. The Sunday we celebrated on God dropped a good amount of snow on us and even gave a few more snowstorms while I was there. It was great fun as I had not seen real snow for a long time. Sharing Christmas with my family was fun and we got to enjoy all my mom's good cooking. Matt couldn't believe there was no rush to open presents as we just took it easy all morning, coloring with the kids, playing games, and grazing. After presents and h'orderves we went outside to enjoy the falling snow. Then we had our grand turkey dinner with all the fixings- stuffing, cranberries, my mom's magically silky mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, popovers and EGGNOG! We played games all night- including a game I learned over here in Dublin called "Empire" which my family loved and a game my sister Regan knew called "Telephone Pictionary which was a RIOT!
After Christmas we returned to Minnesota where my sister Regan lives. I usually spend most of my time at her house when I visit do to the fact that this is where my nephews and niece live and Regan is a stay at home mom so I am not left stranded. While I remained I did much shopping, went out to eat at all my favorite restaurants, and saw most of my extended family and a few friends from high school. It was great to see everyone and to go to my dad's side of the family Christmas party in Hastings which I haven't been to in years. Eating my Aunt Mary's delicious sloppy joes brought back memories of when I used to go as a child. It was just like the old days only now the children sitting on Santa's lap receiving presents were my sister's and all my cousin's kids instead of us- wild! I of course missed my dad being there and looked for him in my relatives- parts of him I found. It was great to see my aunts and uncles and my cousins all grown up and married with kids of their own. Its so fun to see where you come from. My dad's side of the family and is large and loud and lots of fun. Most of this side of the family believes our ancestry is English- although I had one uncle tell me he went to Ellis Island and looked up our last name on the wall and found out we were from Greece! My mom's side of the family (mostly German) is much smaller but also friendly and my Grandma on this side- what a spitfire!
This was one of the best trips to Minnesota I have had. With each year that comes we seem to get along better by the grace of God. Thanks again for letting me go, honey!


Nomosian said...

what is phone pictionary??

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Baby is still alive!! He's ancient. It was great seeing you.

Anonymous said...

That was the BEST video yet......xoxo Miss you, MOM

Reegz said...

Awesome! To next year, cheers!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had seen you. Next time? Cairo?