Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Horton book "Where in the World is the Church?"

Michael Horton is my favorite writer and thinker.  I was first introduced to him in the magazine called  Modern Reformation, which he is the editor of and a main contributor to.  I have a few of his books.  This one, "Where in the World is the Church?" is the first one I am reading.  It is subtitled "a Christian view of culture and your role in it."  I love this topic and what Michael Horton says on it both challenges and encourages me to no end.  I highly recommend it and would love to read it with a group of people and discuss it.

Here is the description of it from the Ligonier Ministries website: Many believers have retreated into a Christian subculture where they read books published only by “Christian” publishers, listen only to “Christian” music, and generally stay away from anything that does not specifically call itself Christian. This book argues that such a withdrawal is not the biblical way to approach culture and shows why believers are free to enjoy truth and beauty wherever it is found.

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