Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Praying for the Return of Christ

Do you ever find yourself praying fervently for the return of Christ because you have just been exposed to a seriously disturbing dose of the depravity of man? While at a training conference for work today I unfortunatly experienced a vivid reminder of man's depravity and perversity. I think the world is so much worse than most people know, it's frightening. God's longsuffering in the midst of such deep and dark sin is at times uncomprehendable to me but I know that He is altogether trustworthy and knows what He is doing. Seeing what I saw today makes me long all the more for Christ to come back and take over His Kingdom. MARANATHA!


Dana said...


Anonymous said...

I pray for His return daily and know that He hears the cries of His people, not only now but of all time that He would end this wicked and evil earthly domain of sin. That He come back and destroy sin, and the devil and set up His perfect glorious Kingdom so that He will be glorfied by ALL living and dead so that we will be forever in His presence should be our earnest desire every moment. You can't even compare one thing on this earth or in this life that even comes close to one second in Paradise and it is far better there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I long for the return of our Christ and to meet him in the clouds. At times my heart gets heavy and my tears will run longing and waiting to be captured for eternity.
This world has nothing to offer, but empty pale and full of lies...
Nothing satisfy you but the blood of Jesus!