Thursday, November 16, 2006

More Thai Trivia

While in Thailand we were led in awesome devotions out of the book of Acts by an elder in my church who you see seated on the far left, named Ross. Next to Ross are two of the missionaries my church supports in Thailand, Mark and Buzz. Seated on the far right is my pastor, Phil. These are all amazing men of God and it was a blessing to serve along side of them!

Your Thai trivia question is:

What year is it in Thailand?


Anonymous said...

Is it the year of the dog? Do tell, I am interested in knowing...


Anonymous said...

Uhhmmmmmm?......the elephant? the mouse? the rat? the cat? the cat in the hat?? the cat who ate the rat????

Hey what's happening with Matt's blog already!! Did he throw in the towel???

Did you guys have a most excellent thanksgiving??

Is the weather nice there?

When can we go home???

Dana said...

Christina- I don't knwo what year it is (according to animal) but I can tell you the King of Thailand was born in the year of the rabbit!

Cbass- Matt's blog is back up and running. Blog away you fairy!

...And yes, lets go home already!!!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for all your prayers, You are so bolt for Christ, I marvel at that!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your support and prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dana said...

And the answer is...

This year is the year 2549 in Thailand. The reference point is Lord Buddha's birth 543 before Jesus Christ.

Thanks for playing!

Anonymous said...

I just found your site through "Al's Blog" and cried. Al's my pastor.

You see, I'm from Thailand and live in Tucson, AZ. Well, to be precise, my mother's home village is Sara Buri. I saw your post about the teachers from Sara Buri and was thrilled as my unsaved non-English speaking grandma still lives there and I've been praying for her to somehow hear the gospel before she dies. Her name is Salee Reunwai. I was born in Nakhon Phanom and left Thailand at only 12 weeks old. My father's American. I don't know how to speak Thai and I can't communicate with my grandma.

Please contact me somehow to tell me if you too are familiar with Sara Buri.

Many blessings,

Dana said...


Email me at so we can talk!