Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New Books

My wonderful husband recently surprised me with the gift of two books this Valentines Day. The first is "A Christian Manifesto" by Francis Schaeffer. The second is titled "What is Truth" with a subtitle of "A Comparative Study of the Positions of Cornelius Van Til, Francis Schaeffer, Carl F. H. Henry, Donald Bloesch, and Millard Erickson" and is written by James Emery White. Neither of these books were on my wanted list, in fact the second one I have never even heard of so I was very impressed that he picked them out for me. Though I am in the middle of "Can Man Live Without God?" by Ravi Zacharias (EXCELLENT!), I couldn't help myself and am already half way through "A Christian Manifesto." Oh, I wish I could read my life away! THANKS, HONEY!!!

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