Saturday, March 31, 2007

The True Christian is as a Child

"True spiritual affections turn a heart of stone more and more into a heart of flesh. They make the heart tender, like bruised flesh which is easily hurt. Christ points to this tenderness by speaking of the true Christian as a little child (Matt 10:42 and 18:3, John 13:33). The flesh of a little child is tender. So is the heart of a spiritually new-born person. And not only the flesh, but the mind of a little child is also tender. A little child easily feels sympathy and cannot bear to see others in distress. So it is with a Christian. Kindness easily wins the affection of a little child. So it is with a Christian. A little child easily becomes afraid at the appearance of outward evils. So a Christian becomes alarmed at the appearance of moral evil. When a little child meets anything threatening, it does not trust in its own strength, but runs to its parents. So a Christian is not self-confident in fighting spiritual enemies, but runs to Christ. A little child easily feels suspicious of danger in the dark, when alone, or far from home. So a Christian becomes aware of spiritual dangers, and feels concerned for his soul, when he cannot see his way clear before him; he is afraid of being left alone and at a distance from God. A little child easily feels afraid of his elders, fears their anger and trembles at their threats. So a Christian fears to offend God and trembles at God' chastening.
In all these ways a true Christian resembles a little child. In spiritual things, the tallest and strongest saint is the smallest and tenderest child."
-Johnathan Edwards in The Experience That Counts

1 comment:

Reegz said...

A little child also does "windmill arms" full speed ahead when his brothers/sisters disagree with him. Oops, I guess I was getting a bit off there....