Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Like Peanut Butter and Jelly Go Together...

Over the weekend I went to Rialto Theater to see the Indigo Girls in concert. Though I don't listen to them much anymore they were my favorite group growing up. I have seen them twice as a young teen. Once they had a band with them and the other time it was just to the two of them with their guitars. I was pleasantly surprised to see them this time with just their guitars which is the way I prefer them. I never cease to be amazed at the incredible amount of talent possessed by the two of them, both with their guitar playing and voice harmonies. I have never heard two voices go together as beautifully and perfectly as theirs do! It appears that God made them to sing together.

It's funny listening to their lyrics now at this age and understanding so much more than I did as a teenager. Though I do not agree with a number of things they sing about I still appreciate their music and talent. I found myself thinking many times during the concert how amazing it would be to hear them singing Christian songs! With their unique style of singing different parts at the same time, perfect harmonies, and passionate guitar playing, it would be so awesome to apply that to the most beautiful songs about Christ!

Anyhoo, you never know what the Sovereign God will do, who He will transform and what He will use to bring glory to His name!


Reegz said...

You lost me at "it appears God made them to sing together?" Are you nuts? They're an abomination together! I love their voices too but I think you went a little overboard on that-yikes!

Dana said...

I do think God made their vocies to go together. THey are like peanut butter and jelly- their voices compliment eachotehr perfectly! You're going to have to explain to me how that is an abomination.

Reegz said...

I think you understand perfectly well what i am sayin' I think He must also love how Eminem and his boyz harmonize. Gimme a break.

Reegz said...

Lest you correct me, it "appears" God made Eminem and his boyz to sing together.

Matt said...

Ladies...voices like that obviously go together perfectly like...lamb and tuna fish!