Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ice Cream made with Magic Hands

One of the many highlights of visiting my home town of Stillwater is going for an ice cream cone at my favorite ice cream shop, Nelson's. Nelson's is tiny brown house that sells huge ice cream cones for cheap. And the ice cream is the best I have ever had. Though there are tons of varied and delicious flavors my two favorite are their spumoni and peanut butter chocolate. SO GOOD! While I am down here in the desert I get my fill of peanut butter chocolate ice cream at Baskin Robins and that does the trick. I prefer to have ice cream out rather than buying it from the grocery store because the ice cream that you have out is made with magic hands and is way better. However, just recently I found some ice cream at the store that was made with magic hands. It is Kroger brand Peanut Butter Cookie Dough and it is the most delicious store ice cream I have ever had. In fact, I am eating some at this very moment and must go now to give it it's due attention. Later!


Anonymous said...

I wish it would be a little softer though, You only get the full effect when the flavor melts in your mouth...

Reegz said...

It's like getting your toes done. Ya know- it's magic when "they" do it and when I do it just comes off! Curses! I love Coconut joy ice cream from Nelsons along with Licorice and French Silk Pie and cotton candy and toasted almond fudge and.....

Dana said...

Steven- you are so funny about Nelson's! I do like when my ice cream melts though!

Anonymous said...

Getting your toes done. Gotta like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt said...

I, for one, like doing my own toes.