Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Cat Is Out of the Bag

Last night Matt and I arrived in Minnesota to tell the family our news. We made them play a trivia game about Dublin to guess where our new home would be. The trivia questions started out difficult but became easier as the quiz went on. I thought for sure the last two trivia questions would give it away but my family was convinced it was in the US so they did not get it. Finally after we talked them through the latitiude and longitude question Cbass guessed Ireland and won the prize, a key chain from Dublin. They all want to come visit!


Anonymous said...

can't wait........I 'll even bring you some white castle's!!!

Matt said...

Sounds like everyone is excited (albeit shocked) so hopefully we'll be getting lots of visitors. It'll be fun to tour around with our friends and family. Viva Ireland!

Reegz said...

Sweet picture! I see myself laying out on a lawn chair atop that castle!

Anonymous said...

Did you also tell your family and friends that we get our own permanent room in your apartment? We don't mind people borrowing it from time-to-time. As soon as you get settled, we'll be set to take advantage of the free lodging!