Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Back from the Desert

I have just returned from Tucson where I spent a little over a week working on our new house. I was able to move our storage, make some repairs, do some yard work, and even do a little research on possible future house investments such as saltillo tile, polished concrete flooring, skylights, paint, and adobe brick sealing. While doing all of this I was able to spend a lot of time at the house which I warmly refer to as "my adobe." This is the first time I have seen the house since we bought it in June and I now have renters in it. I have to admit it was kind of weird walking into our house and seeing it full of someone else's stuff. It strikes me as funny that this should be weird to me since we have never lived there nor have we had our stuff in it. Anyway, our renters are good friends of ours and they really like the house so I am glad to have them in it. They had a small list of minor repairs for me which Sandi helped me with and then my renter Steve was good enough to help me remove some dead cactus from the yard. Have you ever had to deal with moving cactus? DANGER BATMAN! All in all it was good and productive trip. I especially enjoyed partaking in a cold beer on my porch after a long, hard, hot days work. Here is the view from my porch.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dana, If I want to add photos to our blog , do I go under create blog or posts atom???? thanks

Reegz said...

Ha h! It strikes me funny that this might be a nice view to some? You should've photoshoped in the tasmanian devil or a fat rattler or somethin'

Dana said...

Yeah, the desert and mountains are not quite as spectacular as the flat lands and frozen tundra of Minnesota...