Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pancake Tuesday

My friend Sandra came over today and suggested we make pancakes for Pancake Tuesday. Pancake Tuesday, also known as Shrove Tuesday in Ireland and Britain, is the day before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. 'Shrove' stems from old English word 'shrive', meaning 'confess all sins'. It is called Pancake Tuesday because it is the day traditionally for eating pancakes as pancake recipes were a way to use up any stocks of milk, butter and eggs which were forbidden during the abstinence of Lent. Neither of us observes Lent but we thought it was a fun idea to eat pancakes today with the rest of the country.


Reegz said...

Um, no. This is not South Beachish. Big mistake. Big. Huge.

yunuen said...

Sharptooth is cheating on us!! :)