Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Desiring God Pastor's Conference & Booty

My sisters and friend Cbass serve as often as they can at the Desiring God conferences put on by John Piper here in the Twin Cities a few times a year. Now that I live here I am able to join in the fun too. Last night my sisters, Cbass, and I welcomed the incoming pastors for this year's conference on, "the powerful l ife of the praying pastor." About 1700 Men came from all over the country and even a few foreign countries. It was such a blessing to welcome them and see their smiling faces, knowing they were here to be refreshed and encouraged in the word so they can continue in their personal growth and then go home to feed their flocks! We got to give them a bag of goodies (books!) which the volunteers also receive. Here is a picture of what the goodie bag contained plus the new Piper book I bought called "Think: the Life of the Mind and the Love of God." This conference housed an amazing bookstore with reduced prices and let me tell you I had to run through it as it was a dangerous place to be for me! If we are still living here next February I am hoping to house our Pastor from Tucson who would like to come to this conference.  You can listen to and live stream the conference at Desiring God.

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