Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Amil Study

RC Sproul is one of my favorite Bible teachers and something I really, really appreciate about him is that he is so fair when it comes to teaching on things he disagrees with.  What I mean is that he does not misrepresent systems, ideas, theologies or people he doesn't like or agree with.  I long to be this way myself and know I fail in it as it is so easy to let emotion take control over truth. God help me!

It wasn't until I joined a Presbyterian church that I first ran into people who do not like John MacArthur and do not think of him as a top Bible teacher.  This was shocking to me and confusing since MacArthur is usually a key note speaker at the Ligonier Ministries conferences (whose president and founder is a Reformed Presbyterian).  Some of the criticisms I heard regarding MacArthur usually had to do with him being a "dispensationalist" and him not being "reformed."  I learned the five points of Calvinism as a babe from MacArthur and so I could not understand why anyone would say he wasn't reformed- he loves the doctrines of God's sovereign grace!  My current eschatology study has taught me a lot not only about eschatology but also covenant theology, dispensationalism, and what it is to be reformed.  I now understand why someone would say MacArthur is not reformed as he does not subscribe to the whole system but I don't know why they give him so much grief for being a progressive dispensationalist- as if it makes him a heretic. Progressive dispensationalism and classical dispensationalism are significantly different.  After listening to hundreds of hours of his preaching over the past 10 years I can tell you he absolutley is not a classical dispensationalist but the critcisms I hear about him are always disinctives of classical dispensationalism.  Either his critics don't understand the difference between the two systems or they're misrepresenting the truth.

Unfortunately the misrepresenting of truth is not only a problem for us sheep but for all people, shepherds included.  Through my current eschatology study I have come to find out that I have been taught misrepresentations of amillenialism and covenant theology from MacArthur.  His teaching on these matters appear to be more emotionally driven than fact driven.  This is unfortunate and makes me very sad as I hold him in the highest esteem.

Anyway, I have been listening to a great study by Kim Riddlebarger on amillenialism which has started to make clear things that were so confusing to me before that I probably couldn't even formulate a coherent question regarding them.  Riddlebarger has been making clear to me how these different eschatological systems can each seem compelling.  It all has to do with your presupposed hermeneutic.  Riddlebarger believes that interpretation of Bible propehcy begins with identifying methodological presuppositions and that the way to determine the best eschatological system is to first identify and evaluate the underlying hermeneutic involved.  He then goes on to compare dispensational and reformed hermeneutics.

Dispensational hermeneutic:
1. Claims to hold to a literal interpretation of prophetic sections of the Bible
2. Recognition of distincitve programs between the Church and National Israel.
*This system of interpretation can be called an "Israel-centered hermeneutic."

Reformed hermeneutic:
Here is where Riddlebarger talks about the analogi fide idea which means "Scripture interprets Scripiure."  (I have heard "Scripture interprets Scripture" my whole Christian life from MacArthur).
1. New Testament interprets Old Testament.
2. Old Testament writers spoke in pre-Messianic terms describing the glories of the future in terms of the age they lived in.
3. New Testament always interprets Old Testament figures in light of their significance- especially in Christ.
*This system of interpretation can be called a "Christ-centered hermeneutic."

Riddlebarger teaches that Old Testament themes are types and shadows of glorious realities that are fulfilled in Christ.  The general thrust of redemptive history goes like this:
(1.) types and shadows to (2.) language used by the prophets describing the glories of the coming messianic age to (3.) the reality of that is found in Christ. This means Jesus is the true Israel, the true temple, the heir to David's throne, etc.

I am really enjoying Riddlebarger's series on amillenialism and considering it very seriously.  I really appreciate that Riddlebarger seems to be fairly representing the different systems and people he is talking about.  He displays great passion and humility in his teaching.  His series can be found on the right sidebar of his blog and is free for download.


Reegz said...

I think no matter who you study they can all eventually convince you in some way of their view.

Sando said...

I put your post in Google translate but unfortunately the English result looks too similar to the original text...
