Monday, August 22, 2011

Hungry Jax the Barnacle

Last week I got up to the cities and was finally able to see my adorable nephew, Jax.  He is 4 weeks old now and much more active than the last time I saw him.  He makes all kinds of squawks and what my sister calls "kitty sounds."  I think she just calls them that so I can think of him as a cat and not be afraid of him!  Anyway, he eats non-stop (this is how Grandpa Joe named him hungry Jax) and is awake much more now.  It was quite a feat for me to get him to go to sleep.  He likes to be held up high and given little spanks on his bottom (just like my cat Indi!) and then he'll finally go to sleep so I can snuggle with him.


Anonymous said...

You both look very content! MOM

Kathryn J. Fogleman said...

Oh! What a beautiful blessing from God! I can't wait till He blesses me with nephews and nieces too!