Saturday, August 22, 2009

Heading Home, Again

In just 2 days from now I will be boarding a plane to Tucson- YIPPEE!!!
Matt decided (with a little help from me) that it would be a good idea for me to go home and move all of our stuff out of storage into the new house so that we don't have to keep paying for storage. So starting Tuesday I will go on a mad moving fest, and in my own car- the Element- which I haven't driven in two years. I will also have some work done on the house and do some window shopping in order to price some things out for when we return and start the massive remodel. Along with all of this I will also be hanging out with friends, family, and filling up on Mexican food to my hearts content. Oh, the excitement of it all!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Preaching in a Graveyard

"Regeneration is the act of the Holy Spirit by which he brings a man from the state of spiritual death to spiritual life. It is, in effect, spiritual "resurrection." In the act of regeneration, the Holy Spirit changes the disposition of the soul and renews the will. The new life given in regeneration immediately manifests itself in faith and repentance. Regeneration, is therefore, not the result of faith, as Arminians and others assert. Rather, faith is the result of regeneration. The state of the sinner is analogous to the state of Lazarus in the tomb (John 11:1-44). Like the unbeliever, Lazarus was dead, unable to do anything to change his condition. Jesus commands this corpse to come out of the tomb (in one brief statement, He destroys the claim of those who say that if God commands something we must have the natural ability to do it).
The command Jesus gives to Lazarus is analogous to the external call made to all unbelievers. Like Ezekiel preaching to the valley of dry bones (37:1-14), the external call is made to the spiritually dead. Those who proclaim the gospel preach in a graveyard. Lazarus cannot obey Christ's command until he is given new life, and this is something only God can do. When Lazarus is given new life, he immediately responds and exits the tomb. In the same way, the spiritually dead sinner cannot respond to the gospel until he is given new life through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. Once he is regenerated, however, he immediately responds, placing his faith in Jesus. He is then justified by God." -Keith A. Mathison
I am quite familiar with the Biblical teachings on regeneration and transforming grace wrought entirley by the Holy Spirit and have read much in the area. However, when I came across these particular lines from Keith A. Mathison in the Calvin book I am reading I was really struck but the statement he makes; "Those who proclaim the gospel preach in a graveyard." I think Mathison hit the nail on the head perfectly with this description. In the pursuit of being biblically faithful Christians we would do well to remember this in our evangelistic efforts, in our realtionships with unbelievers, and especially in our prayer lives!

Calvin on Faith and Assurance

I came across some good Calvin quotes regarding faith and assurance in the book John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine and Doxology which I am currently finishing up.

"Faith then is not a naked knowledge either of God or of his truth; nor is it a simple persuasion that God is, that his word is the truth; but a sure knowledge of God's mercy, which is received from the gospel, and brings peace of conscience with regard to God, and rest to the mind."


"According to Calvin, faith is assurance. One does not look to Christ for justification and to oneself for assurance of being jusitifed."

Saturday, August 01, 2009

U2 Live in Dublin

One thing I had hoped to do before we leave Dublin was to see U2 in concert here. Last weekend that desire was fulfilled at Croke Park. Our friend David gotus tickets and the three of us went to the concert together last Friday night. I have been listening to U2 since I was about 12 years old. They must be the biggest rock band in the world and for a good reason- they are very talented musicians and excellent entertainers. I have been to a good number of conerts but I will have to say the most exciting concert moment I have ever experienced was when the members of U2 walked out onto the stage. The place lit up with excitement. The atmosphere throughout the whole show was electric. They started out the concert with a few of their top new songs off their new album and then spent the rest of the show playing many of their best loved hits. They even played my favorite U2 song "Bad." Something a little different that I haven't seen before at any concert is flags. Many people in the crowd had Irish flags and it was quite moving to see the Irish flags being held up while U2 sang "Bloody Sunday." Seeing U2 in any city would be a real treat but seeing them in Dublin was pricelss. Bono is a frickin legend!
Enjoy a few pics from the show shown above with the best song off their new album called "Magnificent."