Friday, July 13, 2007

Things I will miss in Ireland #2

I often remind my husband how lucky he is to have a wife that is such a bargain shopper. My favorite stores is Ross followed by Old Navy. I also like to go the Gap at the outlet mall where I get killer deals. These are pretty much the only stores I shop at. I mean with the screaming deals you get at these stores who in their right mind would pay mall prices?! The best day was about one month ago when I was shopping at Ross and I found a pair of Old Navy jeans- and for $7.99 to boot! Shopping does not get any better than that!!
I met an English girl while in Thailand last fall who recognized my Old Navy shirt and told me they don't have Old Navy over there. I am sure there are no Ross stores and from what I hear Gap costs an arm and a leg. I may have to come home just to shop!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ross is the best!!!