Sunday, July 26, 2009

Goodbye, Baby

Sad news in the Likes family. Yesterday our family horse had to be put down. He was 33 years old. My mom has had him for the last 27 years. I grew up riding horses and taking lessons but did not ride him until I had been riding for about 7 years. The reason for this was because he was a whole lot of horse to handle. Even into old age he was quite a power house and full of spirit. He was also a talented horse who rode in parades and in shows doing English pleasure, jumping, and my personal favorite- dressage. I even got to learn a little dressage on him before I stopped riding. I don't know if God takes our pets into heaven but I hope he does and I hope that Baby is now grazing into the big pasture in the sky and getting lots of carrots and sugar cubes!





Anonymous said...

Thanks, & Joe

Jenny said...

Oh I'm sorry. Baby was such a good boy. I have so many fond memories of riding him and playing softball in the field with him and Seal (sp?).