Saturday, January 09, 2010

Snowy Dublin

It has snowed three times in Dublin since New Year's Eve.  And I don't mean flurries and flakes fluttering about, I mean real, accumulated, sticking around, snow.  Though temperatures in the 30's are normal here during the winter season, snow is not. These last 10 days have brought about 4-5 inches and temperatures well below freezing. The roads are a wreck and the sidewalks are even worse as there seems to be a limited supply of salt and grit.  This weather has arrived just upon the heals of the recent Copenhagen climate meeting where world leaders met to discuss how to save the world from global warming.  I imagine God on his throne in heaven above, laughing...


Matthew said...

That cat is made for snow...he just doesn't know it.

Reegz said...

And all the others sitting around saying, "The weather is "cycular." We just haven't followed it to know how the cycles roll." Yes, the world will go on forever!