Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jacks Back!

Sunday night I nibbled a piece of dark chocolate as I ended my 2 week leg of the South Beach Diet phase 1.  It just so happened on this night that season 8 of my favorite TV show of all time, 24, premiered here in Europe.  We are behind the U.S.by two weeks but what a way to celebrate the end of phase 1 than to see Jack back in action!  If you have never watched 24 you are missing out and should immediately go to your local video store to rent season 1.  You will not be able to stop watching!

The first phase of SB went as expected.  It was difficult but worth it as I did shed some poundage.  I will now slowly reintroduce good carbs back into my life and begin working out again to lose the remaining unwanted pounds hanging around. Being that I love to cook and bake so much I will have to work at keeping my weight under control my whole life, but it could be worse- God could have made all food to taste like cooked cabbage and what a sad existence we would have!


真心 said...
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Reegz said...

I love you Jack! I'm so glad you're back! Without you it's whack! Even though 24 gives me a heart-attack!
Long live Chloe O'Brien-and Tony and Audrey.....show yourselves....

Anonymous said...

cooked cabbage is the best,yum!!