Thursday, March 03, 2011

A Serious Sharpening...

This is one of the best sermons I have ever heard and because of it I may have entered the fold of covenant theology- which I have only flirted with in the past.  Ryan and Ben and Phil will be so proud of me...

"The Law, the Prophets and the Last Days" by Sinclair Ferguson

This sermon is from the study I am doing on eschatology- the fruit of which may not be a particular view of the millennium after all but may instead be  a serious sharpening or even a kind of  paradigm shift in my understanding of the Bible as a whole and God's plan of redemption.   I hope you will take the time to listen to this amazing sermon and at the end stand up in triumphalistic worship of Christ and God the Father, who is all in all.

For further information on covenant theology versus dispensationalism check out this helpful article by Ligon Duncan. Dispensationalism: A Reformed Evaluation

1 comment:

Nomosian said...

very nice!