Friday, September 23, 2011

Birthday Spoil

Today is my birthday and I woke up to find one wrapped present in bed with me, one wrapped present in the fridge, and one more wrapped present on the TV stand.  My husband is so darn cute!  And he knows what I love most- books!  He got me these three books which I have been wanting real bad.  Thanks honey!

This is going to be a fun birthday weekend.  Tonight Matt and I will have a delicious dinner and wine and then tomorrow we will head up to the Twin Cities where we will be attending a day seminar with our favorite economist Jerry Robinson.  And I am so excited that Regan and Pete are joining us for this.  After the seminar we will be heading over to Wisconsin to my uncle Tommy's farm where he is having his annual booya.  For those of you who have never heard of a booya think giant, delicious stew.  My dad's side of the family has been having booyas every year for as long as I can remember but because I've lived away I haven't been to one for years.  I am excited to see my Uncle Tommy who my sisters promise me looks and talks just like my dad. After the booya we are having a fire back at Regan's with some friends. We will sleep over and then Sunday after church my mom is cooking me my favorite meal for my birthday which is Thanksgiving- turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberries, green bean casserole, fresh bread, pumpking pie... YUM!
 Update: A few hours after I wrote this post I found another wrapped present in my car!  Another book from my wishlist- yippee! Thanks honey!


Nomosian said...

that last book looks really good...


Nomosian said...

day seminar on economics?

I feel like that's something I would have been mocked for a year ago!

I'm jealous.

Emerald Palace said...

What a fun sounding birthday! I'm going to check those out. Happy belated birthday! Enjoy your books.

Sando said...

Happy birthday Danish! :D xxx