Thursday, February 02, 2012

Recent Night of Visiting

Matt and I headed up to the cities Tuesday afternoon to do some visiting. After making a pit stop at our favorite wine store- Costco- where we bought a couple of fantastic Bordeauxs- we then headed over to see my favorite baby nephew, the Jax man.  I haven't seen him since New Year's day so it felt like an eternity in Auntie time.  He is growing in leaps and bounds and cuter than ever.  Matt and I got to babysit him for about an hour while my sister was gone.  He was sleeping at first but after being there about 5 minutes I couldn't wait any longer to hold him so I woke him up.  We played for a while and then my fear came true, he had a little crying melt down and I didn't know what to do with him!  I tried all the things I know he likes, holding him up high, putting him in his car, putting him in his vibrating chair but to no avail- the crying and big sad lips just grew worse.  I had to contact my sister for further instructions.  Luckily she knew what to do!  
After a yummalicious dinner made by my sister accompanied by some delicious wines we got to see Jax eat some new foods- sweet potatoes, dill pickles and bananas.   This was quite fun to watch- especially the pickle which proved to be a love hate relationship.
After dinner we headed into Minneapolis to meet Pastor Phil who was in town for the Desiring God Pastor's Conference.  It was sooo good to see him!   Matt saw him in Tucson last November but I haven't seen him since we moved up here.  We took him out for a pint and spent a few hours catching up.  It was a lot of fun.  We hope to be moving back to Arizona soon and are anxious to return to our home church there in Tucson.

1 comment:

Reegz said...

Cute pictures of me boy! Great picture of you three too. Jax looks like toddler!