Thursday, February 07, 2008

Fish and Chips?

Congrats to my brother-in-law Steven who recently won $500 in fishing contest in Minnesota for snagging this bad boy- a 12 pound northern named "Dinner!"


Matt said...

What a whopper! You actually won't be exaggerating when you hold your arms out and say, "I once caught a fish THIS BIG!"

Stevo & Jamer said...

I had that fish for your Mom. But as I got ready to filet it I noticed that it was bloated and it smelled really bad. My next task is to win a 2008 brand new truck God willing.
Matt are you taking up fishing lessons? I hope you take me fishing when I get there, I'll even bait the hook for you. Ha! Ha! Can't wait to see you both!!!

Stevo & Jamer said...
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Ryan J said...

looks like a lot of fun to catch that fish - but I would rather have both arms amputated than have to endure that horrid white stuff on the ground.