Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Paddy's Day 2010

Today we went to over to our friends Betsy and Dave's house to join them (and Betsy's sister and brother in law) for breakfast before we all went downtown to see the Paddy's Day parade.  Betsy and Dave have been a huge blessing to us over here.  We've spent many a holiday together and there is nothing like being with fellow Americans for holidays while we're away from home.  On top of holidays the four of us also hang out regularly- having dinner, going shopping, or smoking cigars around the fire bowl. It will be so hard to say goodbye to them this summer when they move back to New York :(


Matt said...

It is true, they've been great friends to us. They will be badly missed.

Reegz said...

Dana, all stories aside, cute vest! that would look so good on me! Give it! Did you guys have blood pudding or whatever? Yummay! Looks lovely!

Yunuen said...

People do truly make you feel closer to home, I am glad you got to meet them!