Friday, July 30, 2010

Economist Jerry Robinson and "Follow the Money" Radio Show

A little over a year ago Matt and I were introduced to economist Jerry Robinson through a radio talk show we listen to where he was interviewed.  We liked what we heard and then found out that Jerry Robinson has his own weekly radio show where he discusses global economics, geopolitics, and culture.  We have been listening to him for the past year and have learned a lot from him.  His current radio show is called "Follow the Money Weekly"."  A typical show opens with Jerry commenting on the week's major news stories, followed by an interview with an financial expert of some kind and then ends with a short report on precious metals by Tom Cloud.
Jerry Robinson is of the Austrian school of economics. He is editor of the financial website, founder and CEO of Makers Group Financial, a columnist for WorldNetDaily, an international conference speaker, and author of a number books including "The Bankruptcy of Our Nation"  Along with his weekly radio show, which can be podcast from Itunes or more easily downloaded from his FTM website, he also teaches monthly educational webinars on different financial topics which can be live-streamed for free.  And don't miss his regularly updated blog. Jerry Robinson provides a wealth of information and has started me off on my economic education so I can better understand what is going on in the U.S. and the world.  I highly recommend his radio show, websites, blog, and resources to all of my friends out there. 

1 comment:

Reegz said...

You're so wise oh little sister. Should I buy aluminum?