Monday, March 21, 2011

Time for the Conference- YIPPEE!

My mom, sisters, and friend Cbass have been attending the Ligonier Ministries National Conference in Orlando, Florida since 2004, missing only last year due to the dates being moved to summer.  This will be our 7th conference! We love to go for the two and half days of awesome Bible teaching, the amazing book store, and the time of fellowship and fun we have together.  Not to mention the fact that it is in one of our favorite places to visit, Florida!  This is the first time I will be traveling with my family from Minnesota and this is the first time I am really looking forward to one of the aspects they always look forward to- the weather!  Spring is trying to take hold in Minnesota but March is know n for snow storms filled with heavy, wet snow.  The temps here have been slowly creeping up but 80 degrees this week in Orlando is going to feel awesome!  We leave Wednesday and the conference starts Thurdays morning.  The speakers this year are Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, John Piper, RC Sproul, and RC Sproul Jr.  I can't wait to hear all the lectures as well as the Westminster Brass bringing down the house with A Mighty Fortress!  I love when they play Holy, Holy, Holy and stop the music towards the end of the song and let the voices of the saints rise to heaven in a glorious chorus!  I love the banter of the the guys back and forth on stage and how RC always cracks himself up while he preaches.  I love spending hours in the bookstore which is huge and has any book I could ever want.  I love going out to eat at yummy places with the ladies every night like the Cheesecake Factory...  Oh, I can't wait to go!

Here is this year's schedule:

Thursday March 24 

Forty Years of Proclaiming God's Holiness (RC Sproul) Ligonier Ministries' purpose is to awaken as many people as possible to the holiness of God by proclaiming, teaching, and defending God's holiness in all its fullness. In this lecture, Dr. R.C. Sproul will expand on this statement, explaining why a proper understanding of the holiness of God is absolutely crucial if we are to know the true God as well as the depths of our depravity.  

War on the Word (Steven Lawson) The first temptation recorded in Scripture is an attack on the trustworthiness of God’s Word. Such attacks have continued unabated to our own day. In the past, such attacks were usually made by liberals, but today we hear more and more doubts cast upon God’s Word by professed evangelicals. In this lecture, Dr. Steve Lawson reminds us of the importance of a commitment to the authority, inspiration, and inerrancy of Scripture.

Why the God-Man? (Sinclair Ferguson) The Apostle Paul declared to the Corinthian church that he had decided to know nothing among them except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The person and work of Jesus are at the heart of the Christian faith. In this lecture, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson explains what it means to confess our faith in one who is fully God and fully man and what it means that this Jesus was crucified for our sins.

OPTIONAL SESSION: Redeemed Womanhood - Generation to Generation (Susan Hunt)

OPTIONAL SESSION: The Next Story (Tim Challies)

Questions & Answers With R.C. Sproul and Ligonier's Teaching Fellows Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, and R.C. Sproul Jr.

Friday March 25

Defending the Faith (RC Sproul) In his first epistle, Peter informs believers that we are to be always prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks us for a reason for the hope that is in us. In this day and age, the number and kinds of questions that arise are astounding, but this does not give us an excuse to give up the fight. In this lecture, Dr. R.C. Sproul reminds us that apologetics is the duty of every Christian in every walk of life.

Almighty Over All (RC Sproul Jr.)  Most Christians claim to believe in the sovereignty of God, but many define His sovereignty in a way that ultimately exalts man over God. Scripture continually magnifies the sovereignty of God, but what does this mean? In this lecture, Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. explains what it means to say that God is sovereign and examines the implications of this confession for our lives and ministries.

Worshiping the Triune God (Steven Lawson) Fallen human beings have devised many ways of worshiping their gods, but the living God will only be worshiped in a manner that honors Him. We know we are called to worship our Lord in a manner pleasing to Him, but what does this look like? In this lecture, Dr. Steven Lawson examines the biblical principles of worship and explores the insights of the Reformers into this vitally important facet of Christian faith and life.

OPTIONAL SESSION: Believing God (RC Sproul Jr.)

OPTIONAL SESSION: Pillars of Grace (Steven Lawson)

Don’t Waste Your Life (John Piper) Many people, even Christians, go through their lives devoted to trivial things, living for comfort and pleasure. There is no passion for God. In this lecture, Dr. John Piper will exhort all of us to not waste our lives on such trivial pursuits. Only a life passionately devoted to the cross of Christ and the glory of God will be considered a life not squandered on the last day.

Clothed in Righteousness (RC Sproul) Justification is the article upon which the church stands or falls, the main hinge on which religion turns. Yet as important as justification is, many Christians remain confused about it, and others actively blur its features. In this lecture, Dr. R.C. Sproul will explain the basic tenets of the biblical doctrine of justification by faith alone that we might know the ground on which we stand before a holy God.

OPTIONAL SESSION: An Unexpected Journey (Robert Godfrey)

OPTIONAL SESSION: By Grace Alone (Sinclair Ferguson)

Ministry Reflections with John Piper & R.C. Sproul A round table discussion on the valuable lessons learned by each man throughout their ministry experiences as well as advice to the next generation of Christians and leaders in the church.

Saturday March 26

Evangelism & Missions (John Piper) The highest motive for missions and evangelism is not obedience to the Great Commission, although obedience is required. Nor is the highest motive love for sinners, great as that love may be. The greatest motive for missions and evangelism is a passionate zeal for the glory of Jesus Christ. As Dr. John Piper will explain in this lecture, worship of the living God is the fuel and goal of missions and evangelism.

Pleasing God (Robert Godfrey) Scripture calls us to be holy as God is holy and exhorts us to strive for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. There are pitfalls, however, as we strive to mortify the flesh: we can easily fall into either legalism or antinomianism. In this lecture, Dr. Robert Godfrey will provide biblical guidance and wisdom for Christians struggling against the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Twenty-Five Years of Desiring God (John Piper) Celebrating the truth that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him, Desiring God was published twenty-five years ago to explain how delight is our duty. In this lecture, Dr. John Piper will expand on the themes and vision of this paradigm-shattering work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait either !