Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Valleyscare Weekend

Extreme Swing
Matt and I headed up to the Twin Cities over the weekend in order to join Reegz, Cbass and Janni in their spooky evening of Valleyscare and to surprise my nephew Jace with the dresser we recently painted for him.

"Valleyscare" happens each October when Minnesota's beloved amusement park ,Valleyfair, fills the park with spooky haunts.  I hate all things scary but since Matt loves them and never gets to watch scary movies with me I thought we should go.  I did not go in any of the scarey attractions with my group but I did indulge myself in many a ride.  Valleyfair was part of my upbringing as my dad took us every year for Regan's birthday.  I loved it then and love it still.  Even though each year I find myself more and more afflicted with motion sickness (can't watch some TV, movies, and most all video games) I can still ride the wild rails of rollercoasters, thank God!  This year I braved the "Extreme Swing."  Words can hardly describe the feeling you get when you're falling forward from the top, other than to say I thought I was gonna die, but this ride is awesome!  The rollercoaster "Wild Thing" was also a favorite.  I did not have whatever it takes to ride the wicked looking rollercoaster "Steel Venom" but Matt, who will brave any ride, enjoyed it.  

We were happy that Jace was gone for the weekend- not because we didn't want to see him- but because we wanted to sneak his new dresser into his room while he was away so he could come home and be surprised by it.  It turned out pretty well me thinks.  Good job Matt!



1 comment:

Reegz said...

It is most excellent! It looks good in his room with his music studio he has goin on. Thank you again for the hard work and cool dresser! Valleyscare was so much fun too! I laughed so hard I almost peed! :o) AND, Extreme Swing was a very intense ride! Makes me wanna SCREAM!!!!!