Wednesday, February 06, 2008

2008 Ligonier Conference Draws Near!!!

I am so blessed to be able to attend the 2008 Ligonier Minstries National Conference for the 5th year in a row. This is something my mom and sister Regan began attending in 2003. We have picked up a few more ladies along the way including our friend Cbass, my mother-in-law Sandi and for the first time joining us this year my other sister Jamie! I am so excited to go with my favorite ladies and be so blessed of the Lord. The theme this year is "Evangelism According to Jesus" and here is the schedule...

The Foolishness of Preaching by Steven J. Lawson
Evangalizing Your Children by R.C. Sproul Jr.
Good News in a Fallen World by Joni Eareckson Tada
Q & A with Lawson, Sproul Jr. and Tada

The Saving Power of God by Steven J. Lawson
Who Is Jesus? by John MacArthur
Proclaiming the Gospel to All Nations by Joni Eareckson Tada
Simultaneously Righteous and a Sinner by John MacArthur
The Substitutionary Atomement of Christ by Sinclair Ferguson
The Resurrection of Jesus by C.J. Mahaney
Sola Fide by R.C. Sproul
The Nature of Saving Faith by Sinclair Ferguson
Q & A with Ferguson, Mahaney, and Sproul
Counted Righteous in Christ by R.C. Sproul

Not only is the teaching outstanding but the worship music is awesome as well. It is performed by the Westminster Brass and there is also a gigantic organ. Beautiful hymns fill the sanctuary and when they play "A Mighty Fortress" I could swear I am in the midst of the reformation! They also have a huge bookstore set up each year and it is full to the brim of the best resources you can imagine.



All Flavors & Sabores said...

So... did I understand that you are coming to Orlando? Are you coming to Tucson too? Please!

Reegz said...

Yes! This will be good times! Are you sickame yet?

Ryan J said...

you're coming to the USA for this?! I could find a better use of your money - like cigars!!