Thursday, October 30, 2008

Creative Way to Share the Gospel

My Welsh friend Catrin is working here in Dublin with IFES. IFES is a Christian ministry that works with college and university students and is similar to the U.S. student ministry of Intervarsity but is worldwide. She recently loaned me a book all about the IFES movement called "Shining Like Stars" with a subtitle of "The Power of the Gospel in the World's Universities." The book holds many, many encouraging stories on student movements around the world. In the third chapter "Holding Out the Word of Life," a short story of a student group's creativity to share the gospel on their campus is related:

Students can be very creative in their evangelism. I recall hearing about a small group of Christians in the Polish university town of Rzeszow. They were only a small group so how could they make an impression on a large university? They settled on an unusual idea to publicize an evangelistic event.

Three of them dressed up and went visiting in the student dorms, knocking on doors. As people opened the doors, first came the student dressed up as "Death," scythe in hand, announcing, "It is appointed to men once to die, and then the judgment." Then he ran off.

The poor students were shocked! Five minutes later, another knock came. As student after student opened their doors, they met a student dressed up as an angel. The angel asked, "Has Death come here recently?" "Yes," the student would say. "Well, I want to tell you that Jesus Christ has died and risen from the dead to conquer Death. Tomorrow night the Christian student group will explain how Christ's resurrection gives hope in the face of death." Then the angel would run away.

Students went back into their rooms, and five minutes later a third knock came. This time the students found someone dressed like the devil. The devil-look alike said, "Psst! Has an angel been here telling you about a meeting tomorrow night?" "Yes," would reply the student. "Don't go. It's nonsense."

Of course the one thing you never say to a student is "Don't" because then they do! Hundreds went along, the meeting was overflowing and fifteen professed faith in Christ that night.


Reegz said...

Fun idea! I wonder how that would go over here?

Annette said...

very cool indeed. :)