Friday, April 02, 2010

McMom is Here!

Matt's Mom is here visiting us in Dublin for the third time.  It is so nice to have a visitor from home, especially when we are so homesick!  Today I invited over a few friends- Catrin, Edwina, and Lois- to experience McMom's famous "monkey bread" which is small bread dough balls rolled in cinnamon sugar, covered in melted butter and brown sugar, and then baked in the oven.  This is one of our favorite things she makes and we always insist on having it when we see her.  Needless to say it was hit.  Here is a picture of it straight of the oven.


Reegz said...

Yumm! Something I dare barely ever touch. mom made her delicious carmel rolls and I had to take an immediate walk before they settled in to my saddle fatter baggers.

yunuen said...
