Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Things in Tucson

As I have been getting ready for my upcoming visit to Tucson I have been busy scouring the internet for all things Tucson.  I have come across a few things I wanted to share with you.  First of all there is a great band out of Tucson called Ryanhood.  They are an acoustic guitar duo.  I would liken their sound to that of Caedmon's Call or the Indigo Girls (a few of my favorites).  I downloaded their latest album "The World Awaits" from my favorite site for new music called Noisetrade, last month.  I can't stop listening to it and dreaming of Tucson.  If you love acoustic guitars and harmony this band is definitely for you. They recently released a live album which you and all your friends can download for free at: Ryanhood- "The World Awaits" Live in Tucson

Second, I came across another Tucson artist named Leila Lopez.  She is a folky, jazzy type who has the voice of Fionna Apple and guitar skills of Ani Difranco.  She is also giving away her album called "The Roots and The Crops" on another site for new music called New Groove Music.  Follow this link to get her album: Leila Lopez "The Roots and The Crops"

Third, I came across a great blog called "Tucson Daily Photo."  The author is New York import to Tucson but she loves the Old Pueblo so much that she posts a photo taken from somewhere in Tucson each day.  Follow this link: Tucson Daily Photo

And fourthly, this blog will benefit all my Tucson mates. "Tucson on the Cheap" describes itself as a bargain hunters guide to inexpensive fun in Tucson. Can't wait til I can use this blog myself!  Follow this link: Tucson on the Cheap


Reegz said...

Idolatry ;o)

katierey said...

Thank you kindly for mentioning my blog (Tucson on the Cheap). I hope you get to move our here soon!

Dana said...

Katierey- Thanks for writing your blog- it's great!!

Sando said...

thanks for the music! And stop talking about Tucson!!!it makes me sad!!! lol ♥